The Washington Theater exists to enrich the quality of life in the region by presenting performing arts events for the enjoyment of area residents, a quality performance home for community arts companies, and educational arts activities for the region's youth.

Inside the Washington
Operating Theater 1960's

The Washington Theater Redevelopment Commission oversees the decision-making process of changes to the theater building’s uses and physical rehabilitation. 
The committee makes recommendations to the commission and to City Council based on thorough consultation and research. As the project progresses and evolves, so will the specific tasks of the committee throughout time. The committee has already formed the beginning of a larger local volunteer base, Friends of the Washington Theater. These community spirited individuals are extremely important in assuring the theater becomes the rich community asset once again. If you are interested in volunteering your time and/or talents to this project please contact us so that we can keep you notified of its progress.

The Washington Theater Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month.

The public is welcome to attend.

Upcoming Events